acme 14 #1 Posted October 31, 2018 (edited) Report post Skripts parkodets un velos padalities ar parejiem biedriem kas izmanto vel cs 1.6. Ja nodereja liec like #include < amxmodx > #include < fun > #define MAX_ARM 400 #define MAX_HLT 255 new gMESSAGE[256] new gMAXPLAYERS, gSAYTEXT native get_user_stats(index, stats[8], bodyhits[8]) public plugin_init() { register_plugin("TOP FIVE BONUS", "0.1", "privat") register_logevent("round_start", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Start") register_clcmd("say_team", "hook_sayteam") register_clcmd("say", "hook_say") gSAYTEXT = get_user_msgid("SayText") gMAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers() } public round_start() { for(new i; i <= gMAXPLAYERS; i++) { if(is_user_hltv(i) || is_user_bot(i) || !is_user_connected(i)) continue new stats[8], bodyhits[8] new pARM = get_user_armor(i) new pHEAL = get_user_health(i) new pTOP = get_user_stats(i, stats, bodyhits) if(pTOP == 1) { if(pARM < MAX_ARM) set_user_armor(i, pARM + 20) else set_user_armor(i, MAX_ARM) if(pARM < MAX_HLT) set_user_health(i, pHEAL + 20) else set_user_health(i, MAX_HLT) client_print(i, print_chat, "[Top-bonus] Tu ienem %d vietu ranka, tavs bonus: +20 hp, +20 armor - veiksmigi ieguts.", pTOP) } if(pTOP == 2) { if(pARM < MAX_ARM) set_user_armor(i, pARM + 15) else set_user_armor(i, MAX_ARM) if(pARM < MAX_HLT) set_user_health(i, pHEAL + 15) else set_user_health(i, MAX_HLT) client_print(i, print_chat, "[Top-bonus] Tu ienem %d vietu ranka, tavs bonus: +15 hp, +15 armor - veiksmigi ieguts.", pTOP) } if(pTOP == 3) { if(pARM < MAX_ARM) set_user_armor(i, pARM + 10) else set_user_armor(i, MAX_ARM) if(pARM < MAX_HLT) set_user_health(i, pHEAL + 10) else set_user_health(i, MAX_HLT) client_print(i, print_chat, "[Top-bonus] Tu ienem %d vietu ranka, tavs bonus: +10 hp, +10 armor - veiksmigi ieguts.", pTOP) } if(pTOP == 4 || pTOP == 5) { if(pARM < MAX_ARM) set_user_armor(i, pARM + 5) else set_user_armor(i, MAX_ARM) if(pARM < MAX_HLT) set_user_health(i, pHEAL + 5) else set_user_health(i, MAX_HLT) client_print(i, print_chat, "[Top-bonus] Tu ienem %d vietu ranka, tavs bonus: +5 hp, +5 armor - veiksmigi ieguts.", pTOP) } } } public hook_say(pID) { if(is_user_hltv(pID) || is_user_bot(pID) || !is_user_connected(pID)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new gMSG[192], iLEN read_args(gMSG, charsmax(gMSG)) remove_quotes(gMSG) if(is_empty_message(gMSG)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(is_slash(gMSG)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN new stats[8], bodyhits[8], gNAME[32], pTOP pTOP = get_user_stats(pID, stats, bodyhits) get_user_name(pID, gNAME, charsmax(gNAME)) if(1 <= pTOP <= 5) { iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s[^4Top-Player^1] ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^3%s ^1: ", gNAME) iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^4%s", gMSG) } else { iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^3%s ^1: ", gNAME) iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "%s", gMSG) } for(new i = 1; i <= gMAXPLAYERS; i++) { if(!is_user_connected(i)) continue write_msg(gMESSAGE, pID, i) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public hook_sayteam(pID) { if(is_user_hltv(pID) || is_user_bot(pID) || !is_user_connected(pID)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new gMSG[192], iLEN read_args(gMSG, charsmax(gMSG)) remove_quotes(gMSG) if(is_empty_message(gMSG)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if(is_slash(gMSG)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN new stats[8], bodyhits[8], gNAME[32], pTOP pTOP = get_user_stats(pID, stats, bodyhits) get_user_name(pID, gNAME, charsmax(gNAME)) if(1 <= pTOP <= 5) { if(get_user_team(pID) == 1) iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s(Ts) [^4Top-Player^1] ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") else if(get_user_team(pID) == 2) iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s(Ct) [^4Top-Player^1] ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") else if(get_user_team(pID) == 3) iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s(Spec) [^4Top-Player^1] ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "**Dead* ") iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^3%s ^1: ", gNAME) iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^4%s", gMSG) } else { if(get_user_team(pID) == 1) iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s(Ts) ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") else if(get_user_team(pID) == 2) iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s(Ct) ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") else if(get_user_team(pID) == 3) iLEN = format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^1%s(Spec) ", is_user_alive(pID) ? "" : "*Dead* ") iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "^3%s ^1: ", gNAME) iLEN += format(gMESSAGE[iLEN], charsmax(gMESSAGE) - 1, "%s", gMSG) } for(new i = 1; i <= gMAXPLAYERS; i++) { if(!is_user_connected(i)) continue if(get_user_team(pID) == get_user_team(i)) write_msg(gMESSAGE, pID, i) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } stock is_slash(const message[]) { if(message[0] == '/') return true return false } stock is_empty_message(const message[]) { if(equal(message, "") || !strlen(message)) return true return false } stock write_msg(const message[], const pID, const i) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, gSAYTEXT, {0, 0, 0}, i) write_byte(pID) write_string(message) message_end() } [Click and drag to move] Edited October 31, 2018 by acme 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites